
Showing posts from February, 2019

How do you get what you want?

We are all in the same boat You and I, we are in the same boat so to speak. If you are in fact like me always looking to improve areas of your life. I am happy and content, but I can always do better and be more. I continually learn and grow from all the experts out there. Not the self made gurus with thin wallets and a crappy apartment, but the really big ones like Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Dean Graziosi, Gry Sinding and Vick Strizheus. These are the ones who started where everyone starts, at the bottom working there way up, and now they are highly successful and my God they have things to teach you. The knowledge between them is enough to run the whole world on automation. Every time I do a training with either one of them my mind is blown away. Some of what they say are things I've heard before, but for every training I get something I can implement and use. If you don't keep growing, you will start dying I love this quote, and this is so true. When you stop learning,...

Surround yourself with good and positive

Does it serve you? The best thing you can do for yourself is to surround yourself with good and positive people. Think about what you want out of life. Think about your dreams and goals. What serves you and what helps you to reach this ... Your goals should contain your financial goal, your relationship goal and your career goal. In every activity and in every habit ask yourself "does this serve me and my goals. Will this move me closer to reaching my goal?" These are the questions you should ask yourself for every interaction in your life. If you spend a lot of time and energy into reaching your goals, you don't want to tear everything down because of that one friend who leaves you feeling drained and fills your mind with negative emotions. The law of attraction works with your emotions and your actions, so you want to be inlined and in tuned. There has to be consistency in your actions and feelings. You get what you're feeling about, not so much what you're th...

Respect our differences

Respecting our differences  There are 7,5 billion people living on this planet. There are wars being fought and love being celebrated. There are 4200 different religions in the world and that shows us how different and similar we are. When you peel of our beliefs, and our skin we look pretty much the same. But the excitement lies in the differences. Some people like this and other people are highly sensitive to that.  When lack of understanding and respect destroys the quality of other people's lives. I was just at my aunties 90 birthday party and there was about 60 guests. My aunt have been looking forward to this day for months and wanted everything to be perfect. She talked to my mom, her neighbor helped out for everything to run as smooth as possible. Tender I have a "tender belly" family with tender belly I mean that some of us have something we can not eat because it makes us sick. And this isn't just a gassy stomach and being a little bloated. I don...

Where can you find love and how do you know when you have found it?

Love is such a big and powerful word. The only word that can bring peace to any situation\. No other word or feeling have grater power, even hate comes short of what love can do. I know that sometimes it seems like hate and suffering is winning and having the most power, but it really isn't. Love has the grater power we just forget to use it because we focus on the evil and the hurtful. What is love Love is everything that feels good. It's the joy you feel and the beauty you see. Love is all around you all the time you just have to acknowledge it. When you acknowledge the love around you, you will be more aware of the love, and you will be more in contact with the love that surrounds you. It's a classic Law Of Attraction teaching. Every act of love you give, will return to you with grater force. Love is smiling to a stranger, love is letting someone in front of you in a line at the market or in traffic. Love is calling someone you know is hurting and letting them know...

How to love yourself

Not everyone knows how to love themselves  To receive love and to give love you have to love yourself. All the love in your life comes from you initially and therefor it imperative that you learn how to love yourself. There are many exercises you can do and I'm going to give you a powerful one The first thing you have to do  Find between 5-10 things you like about yourself. It doesn't have to be big thing or anything special, just 5-10 things that you actually like about yourself. You are probably a nice person and you help out your friends when they need help and maybe you volunteer somewhere.. These things  Write them down on small notes and make them look nice. Hang them on the mirror so you see them every time you are in the bathroom. What to do next Every time you're in the bathroom and you see these notes you will read them out loud to yourself. In the beginning you might feel a little foolish and you will whisper them to yourself. Growing Push yours...

Follow your passion and live with purpose

Do you want to follow your passion and live with purpose? What are you good at and what do you have to offer? What would you do if you could do whatever you wanted to do? Would you travel the world or would you volunteer in a non profit organization? Would you make necklaces or give advice to people? Do you know your own strengths? What makes you all fired up The things that makes your heart beating a little faster and races your energy level, that's what makes you all fired up. That's your passion. When you are told to follow your passion, do you think "yes of course" and then you go all in to rescue all stray dogs on an island of Greece? Probably not. you're thinking, like most of us, " I can't do that, what about my family, what about my job, what about this and that and what if this happens or that goes wrong ..." That's normal, and when you hear about people who left their kids to dig wells in Africa, they are often suffering from bipo...

Change your limiting beliefs

What is holding you back is your limiting beliefs. There's only so much you can do when your mind is limited. Most of the time you don't even realize that it is your mind that's holding you back. So what do you have to do ... you have to acknowledge your limiting beliefs, put them into words and change their story. Change your limiting beliefs and change your life Changing your limiting beliefs takes time, these are beliefs you've had since early childhood and therefore it takes some real effort to change them. Most have grown up listening to parents talking negatively about a group of people. My parents was always talking about that person in the expensive car who acted like he owned the road. I don't even think the person in the car had to do anything specific, he just had to be on the road and automatically he was talked about as if he was bad. This got stuck to me, and I think I have forwarded this to my daughter unintentionally. That's a blockage in me...

Focus on the solution not the problem!

Can you see all the solutions or can you only see problems? So many people are overwhelmed by their personal problems and can't see the way out. At work they're like bulls, fearless and strong minded and loved by their colleges. Focus on the solutions and the problems fade away When you focus on the problem your having, the problem grows and becomes bigger and bigger until it takes over every thought you have. You could think of it as a bacterial infection. Focus on that bacteria and the infection grows. Focus on the solution, in this case it would be the medication, and the bacteria fades away. So if you have money problems, weight issues or relationship challenges, find the solution and focus on that. It can be hard to find the solution when you are in a state of fear, write down what you are afraid of and next to it you write down the solution. The solution doesn't have to be something you think is doable, just write down what the solution is no matter how far fetch...

How can I feel good and be happy all the time

All you ever want is to feel good and be happy. Have you ever been asked the question "what do you really want?"? I have and it took me some time to answer the question, but when I did I got asked a new question "and how would that make you feel?" I said "It would make me feel happy" and that's it isn't it? Whatever you want in life you want it because you want to feel good and be happy. How can we feel good and be happy all the time? Well you have to figure out what it is that you really want, what in this world sparks your engine when you think about it .. Is it to run a marathon? is it to be a successful pizza baker? is it to climb Mt.Everest? What gets you going, what fires you up? No two goals are necessary the same, so if you're trying to match your goal with a friends goal you're likely to fulfill their dreams not your own. You have a goal, now what ... Now you start your research. What is necessary to do to get to where you ...

When you want to save the relationship even though ...

Being in a long distance relationship for over 7 years now, I know a thing or five about keeping good vibes and solving problems that will occur no matter how solid the relationship is. "It takes two to tango, but only one to start the music"  -Henriette Andersen When things are good You would want to put all the good times, words and experiences in a well kept jar or other storage area. This is to bring out and keep you afloat when everything seems like it's going down hill and you think the last days of this relationship is coming. All the fun things you do together, memorise it and keep it with you. All the loving words and silly jokes, remember them. And whatever made the other person laugh like crazy, is gold for the times when you both need a pick-me-up. All the small, and might seem like insignificant at the time, moments are the ones that will bring you back to the feeling of unconditional love. That you shout so loudly about when you are being falsely ac...

How can i change my life?

How can i change my life? How often do you think I wish I could change this or If only this was a little more so. . I think we all have these thought from time to time but then we get back into our old routine and forget all about it... Until that day when it pops up again and and we go, Oh, I should have done so and so Tony Robbins says "you're shoulding all over yourselves" and he is right. We sit on our comfortable couches and talk about all the things we should have done and all the things we should be doing. It's time to say "this is something I have to do " The change is there in an instant, when you switch from should to must. The must is a must for any transformation. When you should, you only fooling yourself and your brain stops taking you seriously. When you should too much you have to train your brain to trust you when you say I am doing this, it's a must for me. Think about all the should's you have during a single day. I shoul...

If you can do it, so can I

How can I do this when ... The inner conflict that keeps us struggling between "I know I can do this" and "I know I can do this, but.." We are experts of thinking we need some outside recognition to accomplish anything. The deal is that you get all the recognition you need from yourself. If you believe you can do it you can. If you believe you can't do it, you can't. It's so simple and so complex at the same time. How do you get away from - I want to, but.. (and here comes all the excuses of everything outside of yourself) - my mom left me when I was 4 - my dad abused my - my boyfriend cheated - my wife wont let me - my children are too small - my time is too short - my money won't reach ... and the list goes on forever. You see all these people that has accomplished everything you want and what do you think was different for them? How did they make it? Did they have a rich uncle, maybe they had more time in their everyday life to spend on it?...

Gratitude changes everything

There's nothing in life that's more powerful that gratitude.  You can have everything you ever wanted in life, but if you bitch and complain all the time you are not happy. Then you can be the poorest person with nothing, no money and no possessions, but he is grateful for all the things in his life and he is completely happy. What does the poor man have to be grateful for, you might think. And I'll tell you!! All the things you take for granted, all the things you have that money can't buy. All the things that are so important for any person to feel any kind of happiness or joy. These are the basic needs of any person rich or poor; friends, family, respect, honor, the air you breath, the breeze on you face, your health, your inner peace, your ability to think, feel and to experience. What you take for granted  The fact that you can look at the sky every day, watch the birds fly over your head, smell the air, hear the leafs shake on a tree, listen to the stillne...