How do you get what you want?

We are all in the same boat You and I, we are in the same boat so to speak. If you are in fact like me always looking to improve areas of your life. I am happy and content, but I can always do better and be more. I continually learn and grow from all the experts out there. Not the self made gurus with thin wallets and a crappy apartment, but the really big ones like Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Dean Graziosi, Gry Sinding and Vick Strizheus. These are the ones who started where everyone starts, at the bottom working there way up, and now they are highly successful and my God they have things to teach you. The knowledge between them is enough to run the whole world on automation. Every time I do a training with either one of them my mind is blown away. Some of what they say are things I've heard before, but for every training I get something I can implement and use. If you don't keep growing, you will start dying I love this quote, and this is so true. When you stop learning,...