Follow your passion and live with purpose
Do you want to follow your passion and live with purpose?
What are you good at and what do you have to offer?What would you do if you could do whatever you wanted to do? Would you travel the world or would you volunteer in a non profit organization? Would you make necklaces or give advice to people? Do you know your own strengths?
What makes you all fired up
The things that makes your heart beating a little faster and races your energy level, that's what makes you all fired up. That's your passion. When you are told to follow your passion, do you think "yes of course" and then you go all in to rescue all stray dogs on an island of Greece? Probably not. you're thinking, like most of us, "I can't do that, what about my family, what about my job, what about this and that and what if this happens or that goes wrong ..." That's normal, and when you hear about people who left their kids to dig wells in Africa, they are often suffering from bipolar disorder. They go and do this crazy thing out of a whim, a spur of the moment decision. You would be following your passion and take a calculated risk, very different and miles apart.Are you ready to follow your passion
When you think about your passion and you feel your heart and its beating a little faster and stronger than normal. Don't you think life would be that much more exciting and worth living? What's your purpose? Is your purpose to just let one day take over the next, only looking forward to holidays and vacations because that's when you really live. Or is your purpose to be the best person you can be and rescue as many dogs as possible.I am aware that your purpose and passion probably has nothing to do with stray dogs in Greece, but it's a great example of how ridiculous you might think your passion sounds. Your passion is just as crazy as it has to be to fit you and it only have to make sense to you. The first step towards living with passion and purpose is to stop caring what other people think about you and your passion. If you're not ready to let people know about your passion keep it to yourself and start playing with the idea.
Passion and purpose
My passion is to inspire and help people make changes in their lives. Not because I think your life needs to change, but because I know 90% of the population on earth are following someone else's passion. If you don't follow your own dreams, chances are you are working for someone who is. There's nothing wrong with that and for many that is the right thing to do. but if you are not all that satisfied and you are not looking forward to next day at work, you are probably pursuing someone else's passion and not your own. And that is what I want to change.You are capable
This is an abundant universe, there's more than enough to go around and there's no reason you shouldn't have what you want when someone else can have what they want. You are just as capable as the next to follow your passion and live with purpose. You just have to figure out what your passion and purpose is. You now know what your passion is, it's that thing that makes you energy level raise up. But what about your purpose ... A purpose is a statement that explains your mission and goal, it's a living document and can be altered and adjusted when things in life are changing. Here's an example of a personal purpose/mission statementTo live life completely, honestly, and compassionately, with a healthy dose of realism mixed in with imagination, and to know that all things are possible if one sets their mind to finding an answer.'s important that you do your own research and make a statement that is personal to you. You are the only one who's living by this purpose so it has to resonate with you.
When you have a purpose statement and you know what your passion is you can combine the two and find out how you can make this into a life with an income.
Make you passion and you purpose into a moneymaker
Even if we are positive people with light at the end of every tunnel and a silver lining in any situation we know we need to create an income. How do we turn our passion into a moneymaker? This is your time in you thinking box, what would you do if you had no obstacles whatsoever. Anything is possible and the only limit is your imagination. There it is! That's your moneymaker, that limitless dream is you passion and purpose combined and what you are going to take action on to make a reality.I can give you an example, if your passion is to make fancy ribbons and bows for gift wrapping and your purpose is to give joy and happiness to people, you have a business in selling ribbons and bows to all companies that is involved with gifts and greetings. Sounds a little too easy? It's probably not that easy, but you don't have to make it complicated. As long as you believe in it, you can sell it. You can sell the idea and you can make prototypes for potential customers to see and touch. If you have a quality product, you just have to find your target audience, no matter how small it is, and serve them enough value to trust and know you well enough to buy from you.
Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is your passion business
Be patient and stay your course. Don't give up because you first try didn't give you tremendous success. Go back and read the story of Walt Disney, Jim Carey and Thomas Edison. They have a time of trial and error before they burst into success. There was at the time when they were pursuing their dreams no implication that they would ever be successful, and look at them now. We have lights everywhere without oil, we can watch incredible cartoons of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and all the others and we have the inspiring story of how a man living in his van looking over Los Angeles knew he was going to make a million dollars from his acting skills. I urge you to start reading the stories of these people and get inspired, the same passion and purpose lives inside of you, you just have to reach inside and lift it out.Start believing again
At some point in our lives we stop believing in our dreams. Probably because of parents and teachers telling us that we have to stop dreaming and realize that life is not for us, that's only for special people. "You are no J.K. Rowling or Kim Kardashian, that life is not for you". Facts are that yes Kim Kardashian was born into a celebrity lifestyle, J.K. Rowling on the other hand was as one point so broke she slept in her car with her daughter. Point being, if others can do it so can you. All you have to do is believe in your passion and your purpose and never give up. You are bound to fail a few times before you find the right approach and learn what works and what doesn't work. Take in all the lessons on your journey and adjust your approach and try again.“Winners never quit and quitters never win” -Vince Lombardi
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Follow your passion and live with purpose |
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