Where can you find love and how do you know when you have found it?
Love is such a big and powerful word.
The only word that can bring peace to any situation\. No other word or feeling have grater power, even hate comes short of what love can do. I know that sometimes it seems like hate and suffering is winning and having the most power, but it really isn't. Love has the grater power we just forget to use it because we focus on the evil and the hurtful.What is love
Love is everything that feels good. It's the joy you feel and the beauty you see. Love is all around you all the time you just have to acknowledge it. When you acknowledge the love around you, you will be more aware of the love, and you will be more in contact with the love that surrounds you. It's a classic Law Of Attraction teaching. Every act of love you give, will return to you with grater force.Love is smiling to a stranger, love is letting someone in front of you in a line at the market or in traffic. Love is calling someone you know is hurting and letting them know they are not alone. Love is the warm feeling you get when you think about someone you're missing or someone close to your heart. Love is not sacrifice or forcing emotions, love is not ultimatums and threats. Love is natural, it flows between people like waves in the ocean. Love is everything.
Where can you find love
All the love you will ever need you will find inside yourself. I know it sounds holier then thou but it's true. If you can't love yourself you are not going to find someone who loves you. You can find someone who will say they love you and then treat you badly, but when you love and respect yourself everyone around you will love and respect you as well. Everything starts with you. To find love you have to be open to receive love, often you miss out on love because you didn't feel worthy of it and pushed it away. Some people are destructive and unconsciously sabotage every loving relationship they have ever been in. Before they take the bull by the horns and recognize their actions and start to work on why they have them. Find out where there coming from and how to change them, they are stuck in a place where love will be chased out of their life. If you don't know how to love yourself, get a coach or some counseling. How to love yourself blog postHow do I recognize love
Love is pure and has nothing to do with jealousy or lust. There's raw sexual attraction and there's love, don't confuse the two. They are closely linked and you can be mistaken to think you have found love when all you have found is a substitute for a need you feel. It's like when you are hungry and you have a chocolate bar instead of food because it was there, it's satisfying you easier and faster than cocking a meal, but then again it's not going to last very long. That's the difference, don't go for the easy "love", go for the love worth fighting for, the love that makes you walk the extra mile, go to the gym an extra day a week because you want to feel good when you're with this person. You recognize love when love is given the same way it is received. Love is not a power struggle, love is not insecurity. Love is strengthening and powerful.Loving relationship
Love isn't always easy, you will have to prove yourself here as well as everywhere else. Nothing is "free" and when it comes to love you have to pay a price. And the price is a little bit of dignity, a little bit of pride a lot of swallowed camels and a bucket or five of tears. These are all the prices you pay to prove that you really deserve this person. There's no one how will ever drive you more crazy than the person you are meant to be with.“Love is an endless act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is me giving up the right to hurt you for hurting me.” –BeyoncéWhen you love do it with everything you have. Love from the deepest of your soul and keep giving love until there's love coming back to you in abundance. Love can heal every wound and love has the power to turn every bad situation into a good one. Keep the love flowing.
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Where can you find love |
When you love someone set them free is a saying that hits a home run when it comes to keeping something when it's finished. As important as it is to recognize love when it comes towards you, it's just as important to know when to let go. If the relationship is no longer serving you, giving you joy and happiness. If you always wish you where somewhere else or wished the other person was somewhere else, let them go. Don't stay in a relationship because it's safe or because you at least know what you have. Always feed your future self with love and respect. If your not happy get out of the relationship and give the same respect to the person you no longer love as you want to give yourself.
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