How can i change my life?

How can i change my life?

How often do you think I wish I could change this or If only this was a little more so.. I think we all have these thought from time to time but then we get back into our old routine and forget all about it... Until that day when it pops up again and and we go, Oh, I should have done so and so

Tony Robbins says "you're shoulding all over yourselves" and he is right. We sit on our comfortable couches and talk about all the things we should have done and all the things we should be doing.

It's time to say "this is something I have to do"

The change is there in an instant, when you switch from should to must. The must is a must for any transformation. When you should, you only fooling yourself and your brain stops taking you seriously. When you should too much you have to train your brain to trust you when you say I am doing this, it's a must for me.

Think about all the should's you have during a single day. I should have vacuumed the living room floor. I should have changed bulb in that lamp. I should make my bed in the morning. I should start my day with a little exercise or visualizations. all of these should's is helping you brain to distrust you. Every time you should, and you don't, you train your brain to believe that when you think about something that you should have, you're not going to do it. So you have to change that!

That's the ultimate change

Just do it and do it again and again. It takes 30 days to make a habit, so all you have to do is stick to 1 have to i 30 days and your well on your way to a massive change.
Make your life urgent, don't  put it off until you retire or the kids grow up. Don't waste preaches time procrastinating something as important as your life. Start living the life you want today. When you have to do something because you know that's what you have to do to have a better life, do it. Don't hang around the house discussing it with your friends and family. It's not their have to so they might not give you the response you need. Only you know what is important for your life quality so don't let other people's fears stop you..

What's important for you life quality

Whatever it is your life quality depends on it's time to take action and start moving towards that life. Let's say you want to lose 10 kg. To lose 10 kg what do you have to do? Do you sit at home visualizing your slim and well trained body? No, you have to move your body a little bit. How long will you give yourself to lose this weight? Are you getting married in 12 months? Well then you have 10 months to lose the weight and still have time to alter your dress.

Let's break it down, so you don't feel so overwhelmed. You have to lose 10 kg in 10 months. That's only 1 kg a month. That's way less terrifying, and totally doable. losing 1 kg a month is only 0.033 kg a week is hardly even a challenge. So you get to work on that. What do you have to do to lose less than 0.5 kg a week? And from there you set up a meal plan and an exercise routine that you will follow as a slave for the next 30 days. After 30 days your meal plan and exercise routine will be a habit for you and you're kind of on cruise control for the next 10 months.

A very important part of changing

You have to celebrate every little move forward. No only your successes, but your efforts. Let's say you just decided that you have to lose those 10 kg and you're starting you planing right now, celebrate. Be proud of yourself for making the decision. Pat yourself on the back, give yourself a treat, maybe not something to eat, but you can treat yourself to that new scarf or a new pair of shoes. Treat yourself to something that lets you know that you have made a powerful choice. MAke every change in your life a positive experience. It might take sweat, blood and tears to reach the ultimate destination, so make it worth it. Focus on your end result and celebrate every step forward. Dance around the living room when you have lost your fist 0.5 kg and call all your best supporters and let them celebrate with you. Make it fun and play with it, because in the end it's all a game.

Play to win

Whatever change you have to make, think of it as a game. You will hear people reference to "I play to win" and that's how you do it. It's a long term game and you only play to win, no matter what. Never let other people get in the way of your have to's. Focus only on what you have to do and on what you want. Use visualizing as a tool to reach your goals faster. If you take the losing 10 kg in 10 months, visualize yourself in that dress on your wedding day with your fabolous new body. It's all a game and you are the winner, because the only person you ever compete with is yourself.
