Gratitude and Attraction

There is nothing that will attract results into your life faster than gratitude and the laws of the universe.

There's a whole science behind using it, but I believe in simplifying it so that you easily implement the process of gratitude and attract into your life what it is that you desire.

All you need to remember is that everything is energy. Whether it's an idea, a material thing, money or emotions it's all made of energy. You are energy, that's why you have to "refuel" just as your car needs gas and oil you need food, love and attention.

I have friends who mock me and calls it "that thing you're into". What they are missing is that this is very much present and working in their lives whether they believe in it or not. It's a given that like attracts like, when you think about a song and that song "sticks" to your brain and you can't not think about it. And that what you "know" is going to happen, is going to happen because you give it all of your attention. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Be aware of what you focus on and your life will change dramatically.

I have manifested things like parking spaces, food, money and a house using a simple process and gratitude is a big part of it.
