How can I feel good and be happy all the time

All you ever want is to feel good and be happy.

Have you ever been asked the question "what do you really want?"? I have and it took me some time to answer the question, but when I did I got asked a new question "and how would that make you feel?" I said "It would make me feel happy" and that's it isn't it? Whatever you want in life you want it because you want to feel good and be happy.

How can we feel good and be happy all the time?

Well you have to figure out what it is that you really want, what in this world sparks your engine when you think about it .. Is it to run a marathon? is it to be a successful pizza baker? is it to climb Mt.Everest? What gets you going, what fires you up? No two goals are necessary the same, so if you're trying to match your goal with a friends goal you're likely to fulfill their dreams not your own.

You have a goal, now what ...

Now you start your research. What is necessary to do to get to where you want to go (whether it's spiritual or an actual place) .. Find the people who already reached your goal and watch how they did it. Model their behaviour, their daily routine and their action steps. See where they are now and where they started out track their movements backwards and make a plan for yourself. The important thing in this is that you model after these people, you don't copy them. We can all spot a fake personality whenever we see one and you will be spotted to. So make it yours and be a little personal. Don't be afraid to fail, and don't worry about everything being perfect. Nothing is really perfect and everyone fails. It's part of the learning curve. You learn, do, fail, adjust and try again. A simple process to follow.

Is that all you have to do ...

No, you have to be clear about where you are going. Visualizing and meditating is a big part of succeeding in anything. Even great athletes visualize themselves as winners, making the score or beating the record. The saying "seeing is believing" it's actually true, but it has nothing to do with what you can see with the naked eye, it's all about what you see with your inner eye. What you see in your mind is what will manifest in your life. To master the visualization technique, you have to practise the art of meditation. When you know how to meditate, you can much easier get into the visualization mode. The two go hand in hand, and to be precise and clear about you visualization you have to learn to quiet your mind so you don't get distracted.

For how long ...

Until you reached your goal. There's no such thing as overnight success. When you hear about the "it all just happened in an instant" and it kinda did, but there was a time of trials and errors before the overnight success. When people are struggling to succeed, they don't tell you. No one is going to tell you "hey, I'm broke as a bat, but let me teach you how to make millions" What would the proper response be?? "what?? are you kidding me?? I'd never take advice from someone who failed so miserably!" After the time of failing and trying different approaches, you will have your break through. And in an instant you will be successful and then you belong to the overnight success stories.

Feeling good and being happy

Your goal should never be a goal you can't move forward with. So your goal shouldn't be "when I land on the moon I will be happy". Because when you get to the moon, your only going to be there for a short while and what will you do when you get back to normal living ... you will most likely get depressed. Make sure your goal makes you happy before you reach it, that you feel happy and joyful all the way to the moon and back. You want to keep your happiness even in the darker moments, because you can't reach anything if your mind is negative.

How to feel good and being happy

  • First you discover what it is that makes you happy. This is your purpose. 
  • Then you have to see it with your inner eye and believe you can have it. Feel as if it's already yours. Your visualization exercise.
  • Tweak and tweak your approach until you reach your destination. Be open to the fact that success might not present it self in the way that you expect. You might get it from a different angle, so be open minded and let the universe/god/higher power guide you towards your goals. 
  • Keep in mind the saying "all roads lead to Rome" to me this means that you have your end in mind and the path there might be different than the one you mapped out. 
  • Don't let failure and setbacks discourage you. You're supposed to fail and make mistakes, how else will you learn what does not work?

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” 
-Thomas Edison
