How do you get what you want?
We are all in the same boat
You and I, we are in the same boat so to speak. If you are in fact like me always looking to improve areas of your life. I am happy and content, but I can always do better and be more. I continually learn and grow from all the experts out there. Not the self made gurus with thin wallets and a crappy apartment, but the really big ones like Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Dean Graziosi, Gry Sinding and Vick Strizheus. These are the ones who started where everyone starts, at the bottom working there way up, and now they are highly successful and my God they have things to teach you. The knowledge between them is enough to run the whole world on automation. Every time I do a training with either one of them my mind is blown away. Some of what they say are things I've heard before, but for every training I get something I can implement and use.If you don't keep growing, you will start dying
I love this quote, and this is so true. When you stop learning, and this is the only way to grow, you are like a plant in the fall, just hanging out waiting for the wind to knock you down or for someone to pick you up. Nothing and no one can save you but you. You have to take responsibility for your life and your actions. I have done a lot of valuable trainings where I didn't implement what I had learned, and my oh my the regret.Now I take notes and action on everything I learn and I do it instantly. I have in the past wasted a lot of great training not doing what I'm told because I didn't see the power in it. I didn't get that You have to start your day in a certain way. I didn't believe that getting up really early (too tired) was crucial. Or that you have to give thanks in the morning and feel it (who's going to notice that I'm not doing it) And exercise in the morning at 5am (no freaking way) But now I know that all these little things are just as important as the bigger things like marketing skills, email lists and delivering value without being scared I give away everything for free.
Fear is crippling
Everything scary is crippling if you let it stay scary. When I was little there was a saying "take the bull by its horns". Being a Taurus I thought they were talking about me and how stubborn I was. Now I understand that I have to grab those horns no matter how scary it is. It's only going to be scary in the beginning, I will get used to handling it and later I will be good at it and then I will be great. Never let fear stop you from reaching your true destination and don't be afraid to let people see how fabulous you are. You have great potential and it's your duty to use it to change your world into a better place.The learning curve for a better life is like a maze.
You get fare along and you can see the end and suddenly you hit a dead end and you have to turn around, then you lose your direction if you don't pay attention. Be aware of your endgame, keep your eye on the road in the direction you are going and remember you only have to see the next step to reach you destination. When you are driving in the dark, all you can see is as far as the headlights on the car. And still you trust that you can drive across the country only seeing 100 feet in front of you. The same amount of trust is what you have to put into yourself when you are reaching for that goal, that dream life that you know you can have.Seeing is believing
All these sayings that I heard as a child I misinterpreted. Seeing is believing meant to me that if I couldn't see it I couldn't believe in it. So i never believed in God because I couldn't see him or her. But I believed in nature and I believed that nature had a plan with everything that happened in the world. When there was a natural disaster I thought that was Nature getting rid of people. That the world had too many who wasn't having a good life and Nature took care of it. I thought this about the plague, HIV, earthquakes and floods. I even believed that when people got sick it was because they had done something bad to Nature and got punished for it. I could see it so I believed it.Now I know better
I know now that what you can see in your mind you can hold in your hand. I know that you have the power to create your own life and design it the way you want it. It takes a lot of training to shift from one belief to another even if the one you had was a child's belief. When you are young you are open to receive and everything you learn is firmly in printed in your subconscious mind. Therefore it's hard to remove it and replace it with something new when you are an adult and mostly using your subconscious mind on autopilot. But with a little effort it is possible to change old beliefs and replace them with beliefs that empowers you and lets you grow. And visualization is a really powerful tool to use when your beliefs are in place and you want to manifest all the things that you want.Visualize and manifest
When you visualize you are actively manifesting. This is very powerful if you use it the right way. If you use it and you don't know that your beliefs are of course you will actually manifest everything you don't want. It's important that you know this. You manifest what you believe and feel not what you think. So you have to be aware of what your actual beliefs are and make the necessary changes so you can visualize more efficiently and specific.Manifesting what you want
I have a little mini-course on manifestation and if you leave me your email address and agree to me sending you an email once in a while, you can access it here "If I can do it, so can you"![]() |
how to get what you want |
Follow your passion and live with purpose
Focus on the solution, not the problem
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