A Little Push

Sometimes you just need a little push

Sometimes you need a little push and that push often comes when you are ready or when it's forced on you.

There's nothing as action making as a forced situation. The forced feeling often come from ourselves and not the outside world, but it can feel like it's the outside world forcing us, but in fact it is we as people who are sick and tired of how the outside world feels we are forced to change it or we will perish.

When you have a situation that makes it feel forced it's just yourself that has reached a limit of "that's it!! No more!" and you take some actions to change the situation to something you want it to be.

There are many things that can push you over the edge, but that little push is all it takes and your off to create something better.

There are times in life when you think about changing something or you think this would be better if it was like this instead. And I wish I could have that, but OMG it would take a lot of work and I don't think I can do that right now. Maybe I'll do it when spring comes, it's easier then.. Or I'll get to that when the kids are out of the house, then I can free up some of my time.

The reality is that you are procrastinating and everyone does it from time to time. Just looking at the dishes thinking you'll get to them soon, you just gonna have a cup of coffee first is procrastinating and it's a bad habit to have.

The best cure for that is to start a new routine in your life.

When you wake up in the morning start with a stretch before you get up, and while you stretch say thank you. Thank you for a new day, thank you for the air that I breathe, thank you for life and everything else you are thankful for.
Then when you're out of that bed, make your bed. Make your bed at the same time you get out of it. It shows you, your body, the universe and your God (if you have one) that you mean business. You get things done! You are an action taker. You don't let things hang there, thinking about getting it done some time, maybe tomorrow when the sun comes out. Make yourself believe in you, you have to believe that you are an action taker and a go getter. It doesn't have to be the biggest things you do that makes you an action taker to create a better life for yourself, it's all the little things that you start doing and that will be your daily habit within 30 days.

Think about how long 30 days are. In 30 days a whole month has passed, but just before you blinked it was the middle of that month. Time is an illusion. When you wait for something, like a four week vacation that starts in a month, it takes a long time. but when your on a four week vacation the time goes by so fast you feel like it just started. However you see time just remember that time is going by anyway, so you might as well fill the time with things that very well might change your life to a better one or at least make the quality of your life a little better.

Giving yourself a little push

When you have been thinking about something for a long time, maybe it's that you feel a little overweight and you want to get in better shape. Maybe lose a little weight while you do it. You might need a little push to get you on to a better path. Your doctor might tell you that your blood pressure is dangerously high and you need to lose some weight or you could have a heart attack. That could be the little push you need to start doing the things that will get you in better shape and make you lose some weight.

Or maybe you want to quit smoking, but can't really find the motivation or a big enough reason to do it. I can tell you what gave me a little push when I was smoking and knew I had to quit. My daughter was a little girl, 5 years old and when she was going to bed I asked for a good night hug. She told me she didn't want to hug me because I smelled so bad. I quit instantly. I was embarrassed and ashamed to be rejected by my own daughter.

The little push that forces you

Sometimes the push is coming without you knowing that you needed that push. That's when we feel forced to act. When you have these thoughts in the back of your head, but you hold them away from you, keep them distant so you don't have to engage and do something about it. It just feels like a lot of work.
Then you have this incident happen to you, and you go "what have I been waiting for, that was the last straw. I'm done with this and I'm making that change today!" When you act on that emotion you have momentum and your feelings are so strong you can literally attract anything to you in an instant. People, circumstances and events will show up at the right place in the right time to guide you towards a better life. Or away from that place you didn't realize you wanted to leave.

Life is funny, and some call it coincidences 

I like to call it fate or karma when things that's been "in the cards" finally happens. You see it all the time and all over the world. The magic is when it happens to you. That moment when you realize you been putting off this really important event for a long time and you know you have been wasting time. But now is the time, don't dwell on what was and what has been. Focus on your end result and where you are going. When you make that "no nonsense" decision to do you are in a magical place filled with possibilities and momentum. Don't let it go, keep the energy level high and stay with those feelings of movement and joy of making that decision. You should celebrate yourself for  making that decision and then you will continue to make important decisions easier.

There are no coincidences in life, there are only results of previous actions you made. The life you live now is a reflection on your past thoughts and actions. When it's time to change you have to change your thoughts and actions. Keep focusing on where you're going and make sure you know where it is and why you want to go there. You will attract what you expect, so expect what you want and not what you don't want. Be clear and believe you already have it.

Have fun :) 
