Are you feeling a little down, confused or frustrated?
At this time in life and the strange time we're living in now, it's normal to feel all kinds of feelings. Some will feel frustrated and going stir crazy staying home all the time. Some are using this time to relax and do all the things they don't get to do when the "rat-race" is on. Like watching Netflix, spending quality time with their kids, cleaning out the garage and so on. Others are thriving in this time of opportunities and time given to do exactly what they never had time to do before. They are now creating their dream life from scratch.
Whatever you decide to do in this day and age is up to you and whatever you decide is good. As long as you are at peace with your choice it doesn't matter what it is. You are the creator and the one and only who knows exactly what is best for you.I have had coaches that has told me that if I don't want to do this or that I'm just not committed to making the changes I want. What they don't realize is that my dream life isn't the same as theirs. I don't want to spend a lot of time chasing money and building teams that makes money selling air and fiction. I know there's good money to be made, but it's not for me. If someone asks me to sell it to them I will, but I will not promote it. I will promote a life that soothes you, and a lifestyle that makes you happy. That can be anything from a cottage in the woods by yourself writing a book or living in a castle with servants tending to your every need.
Your dream life doesn't have to be big and fancy, maybe you're already living your dream life you're just not aware that you are. Sometimes you can get blinded by all the glittery and the shown life of celebrities. Who's to say that all the people in the fancy photo's are happy? Just look at how much alcohol and drugs are ruining for some celebrities. My mom always said to me "all that glitters isn't gold" and what I got from that is that everything isn't always as it seems.When a photo is staged and edited it looks like everyone in the photo is having the time of their life and that's what we see on Instagram and other social media, but what about what happens before and after the photo is taken? We have no idea what is going on.
I'm a very positive person, but I don't believe in pictures taken out of context. I'm skeptical of people who constantly says "trust me" and are very hard trying to convince me that they are extremely happy and in a perfect relationship. The more you brag about something the less I believe it is true.My point in all of this rambling is that even if everything you see looks perfect and it looks like everyone else has everything figured out and you feel like you're the only one left who still don't have a clue about what your dream life looks like. You still searching for that passion you see everyone posting about. And what's the perfect type of exercise for you? Should you travel more and get a dog? What about hose plants and gardening? Are you taking care of the poor and the elderly in your community?
Don't worry about all that. You are not living your life to show all the people on Facebook and Instagram that you have all your ducks in a row. You are going to live your life for you and you alone. There's only one person you need to please and make happy and that person is you. Don't walk all over others in the process, be nice and treat others the same way you want to be treated, but stop trying to please everyone and start doing the things that make you feel good. If something does not feel good to you stop doing it. Your life is too short to do things you don't enjoy doing.I believe that in the time we live in right now it's more important than ever before to stop pretending we are something we're not. we are all in this together and if you and I are going to come out of this with our sanity intact we have to be honest with ourselves and stop doing things that's making us feel bad.
Go for a walk by yourself and let your mind drift of to whatever it's drifting to and notice what comes up in your mind. The things that takes up a lot of space in your head should be something that makes you happy when you think about it. If the things that come up for you are making you feel bad, sad, angry or some other less positive emotion you should consider what you can do to make that part of your life better.Let me reassure you that no matter how bad it seams it can always be turned around and made better. Unless you're being abused, but that's a different kind of bad. I'm talking about couples that argue a lot, co workers that get on your nerves and kids that makes you skin crawl because you are in each others face all the time.
All you have to do is accept it, take responsibility for it (even if it's not your fault) and turn it around.If you need further help I'll be happy to assist you, because my life is all about helping you be happy or find what it is that makes you happy.
If you want to Feel happy now click on the link and tel me a little about your biggest struggle. I'll give you a call and we can talk about how you can change what is difficult into something that is not so difficult. The call is about 45 minutes and it's FREE of charge in the time of covid-19. I also provide coaching for the deeper issues that takes more time, but for now let's just focus on feeling good and happy now!!
Click here >> FEEL HAPPY NOW <<
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Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels |
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