How to find light in darkness?

How do you get out of your own head and into a lighter, happier state of mind when you feel low and depressed? 

From time to time people will find themselves in a low state of mind, there's a darkness around them that swallows all the light like the asphalt on a rainy night. How to get out of it is a skill that takes practice and dedication. It's so easy to just let the darkness swallow you and be passive feeling sorry for yourself, instead of forcing a happier thought into your head and actually taking responsibilities for how you're feeling. When you don't take responsibility for how you're feeling you can blame everyone and everything else. The whole world is to blame for how you are feeling and you are just a helpless victim. 

Binge watching Netflix and bitching to everyone about your misery confirming to yourself that it's only getting worse and worse with time. Every time you talk about your misery in a non productive way, you add to your own misery and feeling of hopelessness. Being passive and just shutting down is a way of withering like a forgotten plant. You are productively adding to your own darkness and being self destructive by being passive in your own life.

Saving yourself is not the easiest way, but it's the best thing if you think long-term. A short-term solution is never the right answer when it comes to your life, you want the best possible outcome not the quickest. By training your mind to recognize when your in a bad state and forcing yourself to leave that state for a happier one, you will in time automatically change your mindset to a more positive anytime you're headed to a dark place. 

I have found that it's not in my best interest to talk to people about my problems, because I get colored by their opinions and that is not productive for me. You might be a different type of person that grows on the opinions of others and make better choices after talking about them. I write blog post like this to handle my issues and "debrief" what happened. I have a ton of posts I've never published because they are a mess of rambling sentences written in confusion. 

If you do benefit from talking with people about your situation it can be an idea to tell them upfront if you want feedback and comments or not. You don't want someone thinking they can resolve your problems if all you wanted was to vent out. And make sure you are talking to someone you trust with your life, other vice you only add disturbing thoughts to your darkness and you get more people to "blame" for your depressed state of mind.

Whenever I feel uncomfortable, annoyed, sad or angry I have this song that goes on in my head and I hear Bobby Brown singing "I feel good" in my head, and guess what, I smile to myself and it works. Whether I'm in a line at the store, stuck in traffic or on the buss I smile and I have this little happy moment going on inside that shifts my mood from bad to good i a second. This took some practice to get automated, but now when I turn it on with automation every time my mindset is getting low. It's like having an automated thermostat that monitors my temperature and just as it's about to get really low, the music starts and up it goes to happier, lighter and more productive state. I don't care that people look at me like I'm a crazy person having a conversation with myself, I will do anything to keep the unproductive negative mindset fare away from me.

I have a program to help you practice this type of mindset control for yourself and it's totally free. All you have to do is become a member of "Love Your Life" and do the exercises one by one.

Find Light in Darkness
