What type of person do you want to be??

What type of person are you, or what kind of person do you want to be?

I ask myself this when I'm interacting with other people. Sometimes people come off as a little blurry so I don't really understand the person they are trying to display. They seem nice and gentle, but they are rough and hard in there voice. Some people are straight up what and who they show you, they don't have any secrets of sides they are trying to hide.

Searching for something

People are driven by a few things and the basic is certainty and uncertainty, seeking one or the other. You probably trying to figure out what drives you and it can be both, but at separate times. When your life is filled with uncertainty you are probably looking for something certain to hold on to. When life is straight forward and very secure you are probably looking for something uncertain to get your blood pumping and your heart racing. You need a balance in your life between the two to feel good and exited at the same time. Too much of one or the other can make you depressed or desperate in your actions.

A type of certainty 

Certainty is the things in your life that make you feel safe and secure. A little gift from your mom that makes you feel the same way you did when you were five and sitting on her lap singing comforting songs. Or the voice on the radio that you were listening to the same time you were trying to find a safe passage in traffic. Anything or anyone that makes you feel calm and grounded is your certainty.

A type of uncertainty

Uncertainty is what sometimes scares you and makes your heart beat a little faster. Standing up in public speaking, can make a very secure person shake like a leaf. Uncertainty is what makes you grow and move forward. You want to keep growing and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and you do it by actively seeking uncertainties.

Combine the two

Having a lot of certainty in your life can make you feel bold enough to push yourself into uncertainties that makes you grow into a better version of yourself

Conflicting thoughts 

When people say they feel bad for the beggar in the street, but if he looks displeased when you don't give him some money it offends you, and you don't want him (or her) to be in a place where you spend money like the grocery store. You prefer them to beg for money when you have some change in your pocket and when it's a good day for you to give. I do agree that looking displeased with people when they are not giving is a bit much for us first world citizens to deal with, but then again a beggar must be aloud to have a bad day ...  Why is it that we make excuses for ourselves and why we are aloud to be in a bad mood, but everybody else is supposed to be happy and cheerful all the time?? And we make comments as well, net to peoples faces, but behind there backs "this person was in such a terrible mood today, I really wish they would stay away from me with their terrible mood."


When you completely accept that others are different from you and you really do not judge anyone you are probably in balance with your own certainties and uncertainties. When you are at peace with yourself and your life choices you won't care about what others do, say and how they act. When you have some kind of unbalance you can find yourself disproving of other peoples choices even if they don't affect you. When you recognize this behavior in yourself you have an unique opportunity to do something about it. When you find yourself criticizing others, stop and think why do you care?? What made you react the way you did? When you have the insight you can start changing your behavior and get yourself in balance again.

Don't know how

If you know there's something disturbing you and you want and need a change in your life, but you don't know how to go about doing it and making the changes, you could benefit from using a Life Coach. A life coach can help you map out your insecurities and your well hidden dreams, give you the tools you need and get your life changing to begin. 
What type of person do you want to be??
