A Little Push

Sometimes you just need a little push Sometimes you need a little push and that push often comes when you are ready or when it's forced on you. There's nothing as action making as a forced situation. The forced feeling often come from ourselves and not the outside world, but it can feel like it's the outside world forcing us, but in fact it is we as people who are sick and tired of how the outside world feels we are forced to change it or we will perish. When you have a situation that makes it feel forced it's just yourself that has reached a limit of "that's it!! No more!" and you take some actions to change the situation to something you want it to be. There are many things that can push you over the edge, but that little push is all it takes and your off to create something better. There are times in life when you think about changing something or you think this would be better if it was like this instead. And I wish I could have that, but OM...