New starts and new opportunities

Everything you think about everyday is what will be your life ...

And here I am, on my way to a new apartment in the middle of the city. It will be smaller and more expensive but I will have freedom and  happy neighbors, and that is all that matters right now. For the last three years I've had screaming, paranoid crazy neighbors. And from the day I moved in here I've been looking for a way out.

My first night in the apartment the son in the house was having a party, he was 17 years old and was home alone. The boys had a lot of music playing (LOUD) and they where throwing things on my living room window and looking at me from the outside. I had just moved in so I didn't have anything to cower the window with and I was feeling really uncomfortable. I let the landlords know what was going on and they made a call to the boy who started shouting and yelling before they left the house.

After that the partying was going on every weekend because the parents left the house and let him stay home alone. Once a lady came at my door asking if I knew where the boys was, I didn't know and she was worried because her son was with them and she had talked to him at 3 AM but could not reach him on the phone anymore and thought he might be in the house or laying in a ditch somewhere dead drunk freezing to death. I tried to calm her down and say that I'm sure everything is OK, and that as soon as I hear any movement in the house I would call her so she could talk to them. After I called her I don't know what happened, but I didn't read anything bad about teenagers in the area so I guess her son was OK.

The son next door continued to make noice and be rude and when he forgot his keys to the house he used my roof and porch to climb up and use his bedroom window as a front door. I let my landlords know that no matter what used to be the norm I was not comfortable with him climbing on my roof to get in and they told me they would talk to him. It didn't end there and when he started to climb up there when I was home I went outside to talk to him and he made up a lot of excuses to why he needed to use my roof to get in. I just told him that there are no excuses and that he just had to remember to have a key with him at all times and went back in. He waited a little bit and asked me for the key to the basement to go into the house that way, I smiled at him and said of course he could. I gave him the key and he left it for me on my doorstep when he was done with it.

The lady of the house came knocking on my door and wanted to talk to me about the bathroom window, she said that it's important to air out after a shower and that she watched my bathroom window and she could see that I didn't open it. I felt watched and bothered, but told her the truth, that in winter time when it's freezing out, we shower in the evening so we don't leave the house in the morning with wet hair. Both my daughter and I have a lot of curls and our hair don't dry that fast. She started to scream and cry and walked into my house without asking and told me to close the door. Then she told me that I had made a video of her husband and that she was concerned about what I was doing and that I had to keep the lights on outside all the time. I told her that I never made a video of her husband and that she had to leave my house. What on earth would I do with a video of her husband ...

This was only my first 6 months in the house and it only got worse.

They walked in my garden and looked in through my windows, even when we where right there eating, 10 cm from their faces. We smiled to then as they where watching but they only stared back like we where invisible. The lady was constantly knocking on my door to scream and cry or she even stopped me outside the corner store and screamed at me there in front of all our neighbors calling me evil names. I looked at her and told her that this was the last time from now on all she had to say to me she could write in an email or a text. She looked at me with scared eyes and started to run home.

It got so bad that I avoided them, I stopped a few feet from the house and made sure they where inside before I walked to my door to go inside. I was not going to let them talk to me just to scream at me again. I am a quiet person and when I'm home I talk on the phone, I write my blog or I'm chilling out, so there's no loud noises or any traffic of people in and out of the house.

Nothing to complain about, I don't disturb my neighbors.
I started looking for a new place to stay shortly after I moved in, but it's difficult to find a place with 3 months notice. When the 3 years lease was up and I read my contract I found that I could just let my lease run out and move on the day it was done.

I saw my way out and I grabbed it. As the lease is ending after three years of what feels like a lifetime of torture, no notice period is required and I'm FREE. I found a place in the city, where my daughter wants to live and took her there. The landlord is, by chance, an old friend of my cousin and and old neighbor of my aunt. My sister used to work with her father and we have a lot of common ground. I signed the contract and now I feel exited about moving into a tiny apartment where my daughter and I will have separate bed rooms and share a kitchen and a bath.

I have a  lot of decisions to make as I now live in a 75 kvm house and we are moving into a 40 kvm city apartment. We have to sell and give away almost all our furniture and kitchenware, my daughter saves what she wants and I don't need much. As you might know my plan is to move to Tobago when the time comes and my daughter has enough saved up to move by herself. So I'm not keeping anything, I want to be able to pack my bag and move out without anything but my clothes.

Detach to everything and connect to everyone, except crazy and negative people.

The story of my rental period over 3 years is too long for my to write about here, now, but if you want to know more or you have a similar experience make a comment and let's talk about it. I believe that a lot of people who rent apartments are being treated bad. Not because they are deserving of it, but because the landlords might not be in a good mindset and you might just be tested by the universe/God or some other higher power to make you understand something.

I've learned that first imprecation is NOT everything and people who might act nice are insecure and will become paranoid of you if you seem to have a better or happier life then they do.
