Life is supposed to be fabulous

How is life supposed to be

Life is supposed to be fabulous, and anyone telling you "life is supposed to be hard" or "life is a test" does not live a happy life filled with purpose and passion. Life is quite amazing, have you ever stopped to think about all the little pieces of magic that happens to you when you are in a good mood? Start noticing them. There's so much to enjoy in this life on this planet. We have the most amazing scenery and spectacular views, sunsets that can take your breath away.

Have you ever tried to watch when a storm passes? 

Watch the trees and the clouds next time, see how the trees and the plants play along and joins the storm in it's rage across the land. Everything s moving with it, whoever tries to resist will be taken down. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to enjoy the storm and dance to it's notes. When a storm passes in your life,what do you do? Do you go on a hideout and wait for it to blow over or do you get in the middle of it and help it pass faster? Are you working with it or against it? Talking about positive thinking and the law of attraction is not about ignoring everything that goes on that has a negative note, it's about recognizing what it is and changing it to a positive force. How do you think things would be if everything you did had the same strength as the storm? Life is fabulous and when you live it the way you are supposed to you will harvest al the benefits of it.

Everything that goes on in nature has its place. The storms are a cleanup system, blowing all the dead pieces away. Just like when you are sad or angry the rage and the tears has its place and when you're done "cleaning up or rinsing out" it's time to spread some light. The sun's burning heat is to heat up the planet, feed it nourishing sunlight and burn strong enough so that even the tiny little seed way underground can get the benefit from it. As with your smile and laughter. Smile to everyone and let that spread across the country. A happy face and a positive attitude will nourish everything in your life from your own body, through all your friends and family members to the house on the end of the street. The rain is to nourish and keep our planet moist and hydrated. That's how you take care of your health and fuel your body. Drink enough water to be hydrated and lubricated and exercise a little everyday. Everything has its place, and so does you.

When we talk about global warming and pollution you should see it as your duty to contribute in any way you can. By picking up trash in the streets and divide your garbage so that what is reusable gets repurposed. But it's also your duty to enjoy nature and weather. Feel the burning from the heat of the sun, feel the rain poking you with needles on your face and feel how the wind is strong enough to carry you away.

Small miracles

Have you noticed that when you're in a good mood, you meet so many happy people? Try to notice all the things that are in your favour when you're in a good mood. Notice that the shower water is the perfect temperature, you're in time for every bus and train, you get all the green light and cars stop to let you pass first. People offer you coffee, favors and discounts everywhere you turn. This is life at its best. So if you learn how to control your mood you will have a much easier life and you will see that life is fabulous.

Life is supposed to be fabulous
