Motivational energy and gratitude!

 Do you struggle with motivation and energy? 

How do you stay motivated in a time where you have to stay at home, not have more then 5 -10 friends or close contacts and practise social distansing?

I find it harder and harder, in the beginning of this world wide pandemic I was all fired up in a way. I wanted to be part of the solution (I still do) but when there are so many who brakes the rules, have big parties and don't keep there distance I'm thinking "what's the point?"

There has to be point ... doesen't it?

I manage to keep my energy level pretty high at my day job, where me and two others are in charge of all protection gear for our whole commune. We have fun at work and with so many people being sick of the covid virus in nursing homes we have so much to do all the time. I'm not saying it's good that people are sick, I'm saying that we don't have time to feel down.

When I get home it's different. 

It's easier to stay energetic and motivated when you have likeminded people around you. People who doesn't contantly complain about their situation and how hard it is for them. We have to realize now that this situation is hitting all of us and it's hitting us for a long time. There's not much to do about the situation you're in but to do as the healthdepartment advises you to.

If all of us did what we're supposed to it would all be over wery soon, but with some people not taking this sereously the virus will keep spreading.

When your energy level droppes and you feel unmotivated there's a few things you can do to lighten yourself up a little. 

- You can play some music that makes you feel like dancing and sing out loud. Music has been used as therapi for centuries. 

- You can take a walk in nature and let the beauty of it wash over you so you feel grateful to be alive. 

- You can clean up your house a little extra so you feel happy to be living there when you get home from your walk.

- You can make some cookies so the house smells like mom's or grandma's place. Good memories makes a happy heart.

- You can get yourself a little notebook and decorate it on the outside, or buy a pretty one and write down one thing you're grateful for every day.

I have an app on my phone that remids me to write a little piece of gratitude every day. This is very effecful. When you actually have to think about the things you are grateful for you become more grateful.

Gratitude is the root to all that is good and sweet in your life.

Practise a little daily gratitude combined with a little good vibe music and your motivation will return to you.
