Are you feeling a little down, confused or frustrated?

At this time in life and the strange time we're living in now, it's normal to feel all kinds of feelings. Some will feel frustrated and going stir crazy staying home all the time. Some are using this time to relax and do all the things they don't get to do when the "rat-race" is on. Like watching Netflix, spending quality time with their kids, cleaning out the garage and so on. Others are thriving in this time of opportunities and time given to do exactly what they never had time to do before. They are now creating their dream life from scratch. Whatever you decide to do in this day and age is up to you and whatever you decide is good. As long as you are at peace with your choice it doesn't matter what it is. You are the creator and the one and only who knows exactly what is best for you. I have had coaches that has told me that if I don't want to do this or that I'm just not committed to making the changes I want. What they don't realize is th...