The last 6 months of 2019

The last 6 months have been packed with experiences and activities, from volunteering to traveling.
In June it started with a Facebook group called "pick one plastic a day" and it has taken off. We were about 2000 members at the time and we grew into this massive group in just a few weeks. All of them exited about plastic reduction and garbage picking. I was surprised that so many people could get so involved about picking up other peoples trash, but there it was. What we do to save our planet.
The summer was in general HOT in Norway this year, so I spent a lot of time cooling off and being lazy, but I still manage to go for a run every day by the river. It's a little cooler down there so it felt good to run with a little fresh breeze on my face. 
I got to spend a lot of time with my family this summer, and I feel so blessed to have these memories to look back on. I've spent more time with my aunt who's now 90 years old, and my littlest niece who's turned 5 as we speak.
There has been time for friends and hiking, playtime and beers in the sun.
I ended the year with 5 weeks in Tobago, my second home and I loved every second of it. I got to catch up with all my friends and I got to spend time with my mans family during their weekend of Thanksgiving (spiritual Baptist). A new and exiting experience for me as I have never been in Tobago this late in the year before.
My two volunteer jobs was amazing. The first was for the city or government. I worked in the voting booth taking votes from our population and we had a long, exhausting and really funny day.
My second volunteer job  was for Success Resources and the seminar MMI (Millionaire Mind Intensive) and OMG what a group of people I got to know. So many giving a loving people who all just wanted to give an experience to the people who booked their tickets to learn something about money mindset. If you ever come across this event, please book your ticket and go. It will literary change your life.
I got back to Norway late December and I did my little family x-mas with less drama then ever before, so I feel at peace and ready for 2020  to start off with a celebration of good spirit, happiness and prosperity for all.
Happy New Year and have a blessed day and night.
