What type of person do you want to be??

What type of person are you, or what kind of person do you want to be? I ask myself this when I'm interacting with other people. Sometimes people come off as a little blurry so I don't really understand the person they are trying to display. They seem nice and gentle, but they are rough and hard in there voice. Some people are straight up what and who they show you, they don't have any secrets of sides they are trying to hide. Searching for something People are driven by a few things and the basic is certainty and uncertainty, seeking one or the other. You probably trying to figure out what drives you and it can be both, but at separate times. When your life is filled with uncertainty you are probably looking for something certain to hold on to. When life is straight forward and very secure you are probably looking for something uncertain to get your blood pumping and your heart racing. You need a balance in your life between the two to feel good and exited at the same...