Your life is more abundant than you know

Abundance is something most people search for, some people find, and some think they can never have ...

If you take a look at your life you will find that abundance is all around you in places you didn't expect it to be.

Even in birthdays there is abundance

April is the month where half my family is born, we have 7 birthdays to celebrate from start to finish. There is some traveling distance between us and we go back and forth between each others houses all month. Whenever a friend ask me to do something in April, I have to say no because I have a birthday to go to that weekend.
I love my family and I know that we all laugh at this month where we have the same amount of gift-shopping and celebration done as we do for Christmas. I am so lucky my birthday is last, that's when everyone is broke and tired of cakes and  I'm usually in Tobago this time of the year and haven't been with my family for my birthday for a long time.

This year I asked everyone with an April birthday if we could all get together and celebrate everyone at the same day and maybe do it during Easter. Everyone was thrilled about the idea and plans was getting cracked. My brothers girlfriend volunteered to have the celebration at there place, and everyone wanted to make some food or cake they like.

When we all got together and finished up the food and started to place everything on the table it was a sight to see. All that food, bowls with different salads, meat and fish, side dishes and souses for everything and something for everyone. I looked at my family and I realized that between all of us there's so much love, caring, understanding and talent we are basically abundant in every aspect of our life. We have talented artists, bodybuilders, musicians, dancers and a so much more. We are a diverse group of people, we all have our quarks and special needs, and everyone has a challenge or five but there's so much room. There's room to be best, worst, angry, frustrated, happy and delighted. We talk and yell, we laugh and we cry and welcome every new member of the family with the same type of love we have for each other. And if you make a mistake and f..up, we leave the door open for when you are ready to come back and own up to whatever it was that you did.

The abundance in my family is bound in love and understanding, high tolerance and room for differences. There's a lot of talk and frustration at times, but when something is done and dealt with we move on and share love and life. I have to say that living as fare away from my family as I do, I don't get together with them as much as I'd like, but when I'm there we have a lot to talk about and we have so much fun. I miss my sisters and my brother in my everyday life, but I know that whenever I need them I can just reach out and grab them. I usually give them a call ...

My point being

My life is filled with abundance in the form of love and caring that I believe is within reach for everyone. If your family is not as loving and understanding that mine is, you might be as lucky as all of our spouses that you married into one. My brother in law told me he felt so blessed to have met my sister and that he had learned so much from being a part of this family where we can argue and fight and be best friends 2 minutes later. He comes from a home of abuse and control and where there was a lack of love and understanding. In my family you are always welcome, the door is always open and if you come by and there's nothing to serve you will be covered with laughs and hugs.

Have a look around

If you take a look at your closest friends, your co workers and your family you will surly find an abundance of something. Loving friends who always include you when something is happening, a co worker who leaves little surprises for you at your desk. Or maybe you are the one remembering and including friends and giving little surprises for co workers when you know they had a rough week or weekend. Either way there is an abundance in your life and what you give is what you will receive. If you can not feel the abundance, make it. Call a friend, give away your time and share the love you feel in your heart.



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