It's all about balance.
Everything in this world is about balance, from the life giving sunlight to the melting of the polar ice. You can't have one without the other. If you want hot, you also have to accept cold, when you search for darkness it's because of the light and when all you want is to feel good it's from feeling too much pain.Humans build themselves
Not many people are aware of the power they possess or how extraordinary they really are, some people sit at home feeling sorry for them selves and can't see how special and unique they are. As a human being on this amazing planet you are one of the most powerful living organisms in the universe. Every living creature on this planet serves a purpose. The difference between humans and everything else is that humans get to choose their purpose.In balance, Off balance
Creating a purposeful life is not as easy and you have to have balance in the process. You want to borrow a lot of money to work on something for yourself, then you should find some time or money to spend on someone else development. I'm not saying you have to spend the exact amount of money on both sides, but you have to do something on both sides or you will be off balance.Balance is to save up money for your financial freedom and save an amount of money to spend on something fun as well. When you spend a lot of time working on your master project, spend a little time working off the project and get some R&R. Work hard, Play hard. When you have been hot for a while you want to cool off. When you have spent a lot of time in the sun, it's nice to get some shade and darkness. Everything is balanced out. You can not experience pleasure if you have never had any pain and when balance doesn't come naturally you have to create it and make it balanced.
Out of balance
For weeks I've been cramped down working on a project, and I haven't taken any time to treat myself, and my life feels dread. I'm not moving forward and whatever I do all I can feel and experience is pain and boredom. I'm not in balance, everything is about this project and everything else is being neglected. But then a friend had some difficulties and she needed a little support. I gave her that support and my life became more balanced straight away. I can still feel the aches and pain, but there is movement in my life and I feel more inspired to create and work a little harder.In balance
I talk to my friend every day and give her the support she needs then she wants to say thank you by taking me to a Thay-massage place. I'm over the moon grateful and so exited, this is my pleasure after a lot of pain. When you get balance in your life things fall into place and the universe will provide for you. There's always the question of how do I get what I need, but when you get balanced, you will get exactly what you need. After 60 minutes of a pain and pleasure massage I felt like a brand new person and I got a ton of inspiration to work and create with passion again.When you are building your life of purpose
Be passionate and take care of every aspect of your life. Being in balance demands of you to fill up the areas of your life you are taking from. When you use energy you have to make new energy and you do that with exercise. When you borrow money and spend it, you have to save up and pay it back. When you work hard you also have to take a timeout and treat yourself. Like a chain reaction you eat to have energy and the building blocks you need to build your mussels, you exercise to strengthen those mussels and store the energy, the same energy you need to spend to be persistent in your creation of a purposeful life. When you have done all of this all day, you have to give yourself a little pleasure so you get your rest and maybe a little treat.Be good to yourself
Every success deserves a celebration and every accomplishment deserves a treat. My new celebration is going to be a massage because it felt really good, and because I need to pamper my body and make sure it remembers that I take care of it. My treat is ice cream (as always) because that's my only craving and it makes me feel like I really did something great.."There is no limit to what great and beautiful things the human being can create with the power of a balanced mind ..." Paul Odafe Akpomukai
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Balance in life |
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