The conditioning of the mind

Conditioning of the mind

We all have conditioned minds and everyday we have an opportunity to change that conditioning. All you have to do is recognize your limiting belief, which is what your conditioned mind tells you you can not go beyond and change it. The preconditioning is there from a very young age. There was some grownup in your circle who told you over and over again "you can't do this" or "you are not good enough". Or it's the recurring events that leaves you to think in a certain way about it and that sticks to you.

Look at an elephant. 

A huge and massively strong animal, in the wild it's not scared of much, and if it gets scared it usually tries to scare whatever is scaring them by making a loud noise and storming towards it. In captivity the elephant has been conditioned to believe that a small rope or chain has the power keep it from running away.

When the elephant is small it's tied up to a rope or chain around his foot, and no matter how much it fights the chain or the rope he can't get lose and eventually he gives up. And there is the conditioning of the captive elephants mind. Even as enormous as he is, he believes that this chain or rope around his foot is to much for him and he can't get lose. So he's just standing there waiting for someone to remove the rope so he can walk.

What happens to us as small is similar. Maybe not as speculative thou. I don't think that the conditioning is given to be mean or to hold you back, I believe it's meant as protection.

We humans protect what we love in a very strange way. 

When a child attempts to climb a tree, the grownups are likely to shout out; be careful so you don't fall down. The child on it's own would never consider the fact that he could fall down, and now the grownup has put a scare and the start of a conditioning in the child. Every time a person tells this child to be careful so he doesn't fall down the conditioning grows stronger and stronger. Until the child grows up to be an adult with a fright of heights and climbing trees.

If this person does nothing to overcome his fright of heights, what do you think he will teach his children? He will tell them to be careful when they are climbing that tree so he doesn't fall down. That is the spiral of life as we know it.

Some fight and change the conditioning mind

A very few has the inner strength to change the conditioning of their minds and break the spiral of fright. Many of them are the winners; the successful business people, the olympic medalists, the skydivers and all the adrenaline seekers.

You can easily join and be a part of this outstanding group of people, but first you have to recognize the rope/ the conditioning that's holding you back, then you can start to change it and make yourself a new and better belief. This takes time and effort and a lot of work outside of your comfort zone.

Are you ready?


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