When is the time to grow up?

The time to take responsibility for your actions and sort out and reach out to those you hurt ... when do you have to take adult choices and act your age?

We all make mistakes and hurt people in the proses of finding our tru self.

We all make some bad choices and it can feel hard to get control of the situation.

It’s not easy to apologize and admit to the wrongs you have done.

It’s not easy to own up to the fact that what you believed to be the right decision at the time turned out not to be the correct way to handle it after all.

At some point in time, and the sooner the better, you have to pick up that phone and do the uncomfortable thing. 

When all the ugly is dealt with and all the apologizes are said the healing process can begin.

It’s not going to be smooth and easy.

It’s not going to be quick and pain free.

But it can be rewarding and it definitely will let you move over to the other side where you no longer have to live with the feeling of guilt.

So what’s the right time?

When you’re a certain age?

When you become a parent?

When you have adult responsibilities?

When you get your first job?

When you feel you’re old enough to be in a serious relationship?

I’d say as soon as you make your first bad choice and you realize you hurt someone in the process of being good to yourself! 

That’s the only right time to own up to and make all your wrongs right!
