Searching for yourself?

I root for all of you who’s searching to find yourself. But you all need to stop looking out there! What you really are looking for is the true you! Your natural way of being! There’s no alternative you, there’s only the person you have become after all those years denying your true spirit. Your spirit is not the part that believes in God, Allah or the all mighty. Your spirit is your belief in yourself, and as we grow and deny ourselves what we really are searching for (a good and happy life) we lose touch with our true spirit! If you see yourself as a universe, and that you create what’s in it! All that goes on in your universe only happens to you no one else! If you are angry at someone and curse them you are only hurting yourself, they don’t notice! The one you’re angry at has no idea that you are spending all this energy being angry and they are walking around totally unaware of your feelings and actions! You can call them ignorant towards your unive...